Can I Reuse Baby Bottles for Next (Second) Baby? [Which Type is Best]

Balint Horvath, PhD

Writer, parent, and veteran of baby feeding battles.


Many families decide to have another baby or two after their firstborn. Having another baby means you’ll need items such as nappies, clothing, and of course the right bottles. However, new baby bottles can be expensive. So is it possible to reuse bottles for your next baby, such as the second? 

Parents can reuse baby bottles if they have another child but it will also depend on what type of bottle it is and if it’s still in good condition. You wouldn’t want to give your next baby a reused bottle that’s stained or broken. In that case, you’ll want to check the bottle for imperfections. 

Key takeaways

  • Parents can reuse old baby bottles provided they are not broken 
  • You should replace the teats of your bottles every 2 to 3 months 
  • The best baby bottles to reuse are glass ones 
  • The reason parents reuse baby bottles is to save money 
  • You should replace bottles if they are broken and stained 
  • You can also sell used baby bottles 

Can you reuse baby bottles for your next child? 

Parents can reuse old baby bottles that they used for their previous born child for their next (for example second) baby. However, parents should consider a few factors first. The bottle mustn’t be stained and there should be no cracks because this can affect milk flow. 

Additionally, if you’re reusing baby bottles you should replace the teats. Baby bottle nipples are more prone to wear and tear and can also harbor germs and bacteria if not cleaned properly. You should change your baby bottle nipples every two to three months

What are the best baby bottles to reuse for the next baby? 

Ideally, you want to reuse bottles that don’t stain easily. Some baby bottles can turn yellow or orange over time. But the type of bottles that are prone to staining is plastic ones, typically ones that are of low quality. The color of the bottles will change over time based on the type of material they’re made from. 

Furthermore, glass bottles are safer for babies because they are BPA-free. Glass baby bottles are also easier to clean and sterilize in hot water. Lastly, glass baby bottles are extremely durable. They won’t warp or scratch especially when washing them with a bottle brush.   

Why would you want to reuse baby bottles for the next child?

Baby bottles are an important part of providing nutrition for infants or toddlers. Many parents turn to use reusable plastic or glass bottles, as these can be cost-effective and last for generations when cared for properly. Here are a few reasons why you’d want to reuse baby bottles. 

To save money 

Some baby bottles can be expensive and if you’re working on a budget it can be difficult to buy brand-new ones. When you have a baby it’s always good to keep your bottles in storage in case you decide to have another child. You’ll then save a significant amount of money on expensive items such as baby bottles. Or you might want to get used bottles which can be safe to reuse for future generations, that is for your next baby.

The bottles are still in good quality 

Throwing away perfectly good baby bottles increases waste in landfills. Some baby manufacturers such as Comotomo recommend that you replace bottles every 6 months. In this case, you may not want to reuse your bottles. 

On the other hand, if you have glass baby bottles, they will still be in good condition because glass doesn’t expire. It takes thousands of years for a glass bottle to degrade if it’s not recycled. You can reuse glass baby bottles for all of your children provided you take care of them. 

You like the brand of bottle 

Another reason to keep your old baby bottles for your new child is if you prefer the brand to other baby bottles. You won’t have to go out and buy new bottles from your favorite brand because you’ll already have them. 

Why should you replace the teats when reusing baby bottles? 

If you’re reusing baby bottles for your newborn, then here are a few reasons why it’s important to at least replace the teats. 

The teats are broken 

Broken bottle teats can prevent the flow of milk. What’s more, bacteria can build up around the cracked parts of the nipple which can put your baby at risk of getting sick. Broken nipples should be discarded immediately. 

The teats are discolored 

Are your baby bottle nipples slightly yellow or orange? This tends to happen over time especially if the nipples are made from silicone. It can also be a sign that your baby’s bottle nipples are old. In this case, you should replace them. 

Your baby doesn’t like the teats 

In some cases, your new baby might not like the teats from reused bottles. Perhaps they’re not the right size or they’re just uncomfortable to drink from. You’ll know your baby doesn’t like the nipple if they’re not latching onto it or if they fuss when you try feeding your little one. 

When should you not reuse baby bottles for the next child 

In some cases, there will be reasons why you should simply discard your old baby bottles and replace them with new ones. Here are reasons why you’d want new bottles. 

If the bottles are broken 

Broken baby bottles are unusable because they may leak or affect the flow of milk. Additionally, cracks in bottles can harbor bacteria which is a risk to your baby. 

If you need specific types of bottles for special needs

Some babies may have special needs when feeding. For example, you can get anti-colic baby bottles for children who suffer from colic. You can also get baby bottles for babies that have reflux. If you don’t have old bottles that accommodate your baby’s special needs then you’ll need to replace them. 

If the bottles are stained 

As mentioned before, some bottles are prone to becoming discolored over time. Sometimes the discoloration isn’t anything to be concerned about. But it could also be a sign that the plastic is aging. In this case, you should replace your baby bottles. 

How to store baby bottles to reuse for the next child

There are many baby bottle storage ideas that you can use to preserve your items for the next baby. But here is a simple guide to storing your bottles whether they’re made from glass or plastic. 

  1. Separate all the components from the bottle such as caps and teats
  2. Wash your bottles thoroughly and then sterilize them
  3. Leave the bottles to dry completely, for example on a drying-rack
  4. Wrap your bottles in bubble wrap. Add at least two layers
  5. Place them horizontally inside a container
  6. Place your bottle caps and other components in a small Tupperware and place it in the same container the bottles are in. Note that Tupperwares are also great for storing baby formula.
  7. Place an air-tight lid on your container and place it in a clean cupboard. 

What to do with a bottle you don’t want to reuse for next baby

Here are a few options you can consider in you case you don’t want to use your bottle for your next baby. You can find even more ideas in my article on what to do with old bottles and nipples.

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I’m Balint, founder of this site and a father (and dad) to a baby-turned toddler. I found the world of babies so fascinating that I started a blog dedicated only to that topic. By the way, I studied physics, engineering (PhD, MSc), and therefore I do a thorough research when I write about something. Since it’s a blog, of course I also write about my personal experiences.

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