Newborn Baby Mimics Dad’s Voice and Sparks Endless Giggles

Baby first interaction with dad

Balint Horvath, PhD

Writer, parent, and veteran of baby feeding battles.


Newborn Baby Mimics Dad’s Voice and Sparks Endless Giggles

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At Exactlybaby, we celebrate the magical bond between parents and their newborns, and nothing captures that connection quite like the simple joy of a baby mimicking their parent’s voice. In the heartwarming video titled “Newborn Baby Mimics Dad’s Voice and Makes Him Giggle,” a precious moment unfolds between a dad and his newborn, reminding us all of the pure, unfiltered joy that babies bring into our lives.

The Setup: A Playful Exchange Between Dad and Baby

The video opens with a scene that will melt any parent’s heart: a dad cradling his newborn baby in his arms, speaking to them in a playful, sing-song voice. The dad’s tone is light and silly, filled with exaggerated sounds and words designed to capture his baby’s attention.

Babies are known to be excellent observers, and this newborn is no exception. The little one watches their dad intently, taking in every sound and movement, almost as if they’re trying to understand the game their dad is playing.

The Moment: Baby’s Adorable Mimicry

As the dad continues to speak, something extraordinary happens—the newborn starts to mimic his voice. It’s not a perfect replication, of course, but the baby’s attempt to copy the rhythm and tone of their dad’s voice is unmistakable. The little sounds that come out of the baby’s mouth are a mix of coos and gurgles, but they carry the same playful spirit as their dad’s words.

This mimicry isn’t just a coincidence. Babies, even at such a young age, are naturally inclined to imitate the sounds and actions of those they’re closest to. It’s their way of connecting, learning, and communicating with the world around them. And in this video, it’s clear that this newborn is already building a strong bond with their dad through this playful exchange.

The Reaction: Dad’s Infectious Giggles

The dad’s reaction to his baby’s mimicry is priceless. As soon as he hears those little sounds echoing his own, he bursts into a fit of giggles. It’s a genuine, heartwarming laugh that’s contagious even to those watching the video. You can see the joy in his eyes as he realizes that his baby is trying to engage with him in the most adorable way possible.

This moment of connection, filled with laughter and love, is what parenting is all about. It’s in these small, everyday interactions that the strongest bonds are formed, and the video beautifully captures this special dynamic between a father and his newborn.

Why This Video Strikes a Chord

Parents and viewers alike are drawn to this video for several reasons:

  1. The Power of Imitation: Babies are wired to learn by imitating the people around them, especially their parents. This video is a perfect example of how a newborn, even at just a few weeks old, can begin to mimic and engage with their environment in meaningful ways.
  2. The Joy of Early Communication: Hearing your baby’s first sounds, especially when they’re trying to mimic your voice, is one of the most joyful experiences as a parent. It’s a sign that your baby is developing their own ways of communicating, even if it’s just through coos and giggles.
  3. The Magic of Laughter: There’s something incredibly special about the sound of a parent and baby laughing together. It’s a pure, unfiltered expression of happiness that’s infectious to everyone around them. This video captures that magic perfectly.

Celebrating These Precious Moments at Exactlybaby

At Exactlybaby, we understand that the early days of parenting are filled with moments like these—small yet significant interactions that leave lasting memories. Whether it’s a newborn trying to mimic their dad’s voice or a baby’s first giggle, these moments are the building blocks of the incredible bond between parent and child.


The video of the newborn mimicking their dad’s voice and making him giggle is more than just a cute clip—it’s a beautiful reminder of the connection that forms between a parent and their baby in those first few weeks of life. It’s in these seemingly ordinary moments that the true magic of parenting is found.

At Exactlybaby, we’re here to celebrate those moments with you. Whether it’s through stories like this one or by sharing tips and insights for new parents, we’re dedicated to helping you embrace every laugh, every mimic, and every precious interaction with your little one.

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I’m Balint, founder of this site and a father (and dad) to a baby-turned toddler. I found the world of babies so fascinating that I started a blog dedicated only to that topic. By the way, I studied physics, engineering (PhD, MSc), and therefore I do a thorough research when I write about something. Since it’s a blog, of course I also write about my personal experiences.

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